Avainsana: Braid

Letti Oscarit

Sunnuntaiyönä Oscarit jaettiin myös letittäjille. Järjestimme 11 muun letittäjän kanssa Instagramissa letti-Oscarit. Akatemiaan kuului letittäjiä Euroopasta sekä Etelä- ja Pohjoisamerikasta, ehdokkuuksia pyysimme muilta Instagram-lettitileiltä. Ehdokkuuksista me lettiakatemian jäsenet valitsimme 4 parasta joka kategoriaan, ja oikeiden Oscareiden tavoin julkaisimme ensin lopulliset ehdokkaat ja Oscar-Gaalan aikana samanaikaisesti live-shown kanssa myös letti-Oscareiden voittajat.

Pääjärjestäjänä oli elokuvista letti-inspiraationsa saava @silvousplait_hairstyling , hän on esimerkiksi tehnyt omaan päähänsä jokaisen letin Taru Sormusten Herrasta- ja Hobitti- elokuvista, joten hänellä riitti innostusta seurata Oscar-gaalaa ja samanaikaisesti julkaista lettiakatemian valitsemia voittajia.

Tässä omia suosikkeja voittajista:

Paras Elokuva = Paras kampaus: @cute_and_glossy (hollantilainen letittäjä-äiti)

Letti Oscarit


Paras Naispääosa = Kampaus omaan päähän: @braidsandstyles12 (ja siis katsokaa, Irlantilainen Donna oikeasti tekee näitä lettejä omaan päähänsä!!)

@braidsandstyles12 letti Oscarit

Ohjaus = Paras Instagram-lettitili: @hairandnailsinspiration (kaksi tanskalaistyttöä, joilla myös Youtube kanava)

Letti oscarit

Paras animaatioelokuva = paras lettipiirustus: @maryam93es (Persialais-Iranilainen opiskelijatyttö)

letti Oscarit

Ehdokkaissa mukana oli myös suomalaisia letittäjiä: Matti @isijatytot, Sonja @sj_hair , Katriina @braidriina ja Katja @365goodhairdays


I was honoured to be part of the Instagram Braid Oscar Academy. The Academy was made up of 12 braiders from Europe and the Americas, and we asked other Instagram braid accounts to nominate braiders for the Oscars.

The winners were announced at the same time as the real Oscar-winners on the live show.

The main organiser was Shannon from @silvousplait_hairstyling , she’s a real film-enthusiast and does hairstyles inspired by films. For example, she’s done all the braids from the Lord of the Rings and the Hobbit. So, she watched the real Oscars and published the Braid Oscar winners simultaneously with the Oscar Ceremony.

Above are my favourite winners and links to the Finnish braiders, who were nominated. You can find out more on Instagram: @thebraidoscars






Tervetuloa lettejen maailmaan

Tervetuloa kaikki uudet ja vanhat lukijat!

Olen itseoppinut lettitaiteilija ja kerron täällä letitystouhuistani. Minulla on kolme tytärtä, joille teen erilaisia lettikampauksia: milloin pitää tehdä kypärän alle mahtuvat letit, milloin taas naamiaisteemaan sopivat tai jumppaesityksessä kauniina pysyvät kampaukset. Teen lettikampauksia muillekin esimerkiksi festareilla, tapahtumissa ja syntymäpäiväjuhlilla. Myös nuorten ja aikuisten kampaukset onnistuu: leteillä saa koristeltua hää- ja muut juhlakampaukset upeiksi. Lisäksi teen ohjevideoita ja vedän lettikursseja, jotta te kaikki muutkin voisitte oppia lettimaailman salaisuuksia. Joskus saatan innostua laittamaan kuva kuvalta ohjeita tänne blogiini.

Olen kirjoittanut lettiblogiani lähes kaksi vuotta. Vanhemmat blogipostaukseni ovat englanniksi, koska olen asunut koko aikuiselämäni ulkomailla. Viime kesänä muutimme perheeni kanssa Suomeen ja aloin pikkuhiljaa vaihtamaan blogiani kaksikieliseksi. Nyt suomi on ykköskieli, mutta laitan aina postauksen loppuun myös englanninkielisen version.

Tässä kolme tytärtäni, nuorimmasta vanhimpaan, alkuvuoden suosikkileteissä:

4-strand lacebraids with ribbon puoliranskalaisia lettejä side swept messy fauxhawk
Nämä eivät ole ihan aloittelijan lettejä, mutta näyttävät hankalammilta mitä ovat. Kaikki kolme lettiä kestivät yllättävän hyvin koko päivän, vaikka joka päivä meillä touhutaan aika paljon.


Hello my lovely readers!

If you’ve found your way here, you will have noticed that my blog has changed to a new location. This is a Finnish family magazine’s blog portal and I will be continuing my braiding stories here.

I will use Finnish as my first language, but will include an English version at the end of the posts. So please just scroll down to read the story!

Above are my three daughters from youngest to oldest with this year’s favourite braids. These are not really braids for beginners, but they are easier than they seem. All three braids lasted really well through the day, and as you know, our days are always quite active!

Uusia lettikursseja

(scroll down for English)

Tervetuloa helmikuun uudistettuihin Hair&Art työpajoihin. Pidän työpajoja yhdessä kuvittaja Maija Hurmeen kanssa Kampissa, Helsingin keskustassa.

Työpajassa opit tekemään lettejä ja lettikampauksia, saat yksilöllistä opastusta letitystekniikkaan sekä vinkkejä ja niksejä letitykseen. Voit joko:

  • tuoda mukanasi oman mallin, esimerkiksi lapsen, lapsenlapsen tai tuttavan. Heille Maija järjestää hiusaiheista taiteilua, esimerkiksi hiuskoristeiden tekoa, letityksen ajaksi,
  • tulla ystävän kanssa opettelemaan letitystä toinen toistenne päähän ja/tai omiin hiuksiin,
  • tulla harjoittelemaan omien hiusten letitystä, tai
  • tuoda mukanasi kampauspään

Vaikka letittäjien lähtötaso on vaihtelevaa, pidämme kurssikoon niin pienenä, että jokainen saa yksilöllistä opetusta. Marras- ja tammikuun kursseilla olimme yllättyneitä siitä, kuinka paljon kaikki oppivat.

Täysin aloittelijat oppivat ainakin 3 allaolevista leteistä ja saivat opastusta letitystekniikkaan sekä vinkkejä ja ideoita omaan harjoitteluun. Ne, jotka osasivat ennestään ranskalaisenletin, oppivat vähintään 4, ja keskitason letittäjät oppivat jopa 8 eri tekniikkaa, joita yhdistelemällä voi tehdä lukemattoman määrän lettikampauksia.


Seuraavat työpajat ovat:

  • su 8.2. kello 13-15
  • su 1.3. kello 10:45-12:45
  • su 1.3. kello 13-15.

Työpajan hinta on 30€ / letittäjä. Hintaan sisältyy lettiopetus, letitettävien taidepuuhat, kaikki tarvikkeet, materiaalit sekä kahvi.

Varaa paikkasi nettikaupastamme , tai kysy lisää sähköpostitse lettikurssit@yahoo.com


Welcome to new Hair&Art Workshops. I organise workshops together with illustrator Maija Hurme in Kamppi, Helsinki.

In the workshop, you will learn different braids, get help with your braiding technique and get hints and tips for doing hair. You can:

  • bring your own model, for example your child, grandchild or friend. Maija will do art and craft with the braidees, for example make hair accessories,
  • come with a friend and learn to braid each other and/or do braids in your own hair
  • come by yourself to learn DIY braids, or
  • bring a mannequin head

Although the starting level of the participants varies, we keep the courses small to enable more personalised teaching. In our pilot courses in November and January, we were surprised how much everyone learned.

Complete beginners learned at least 3 of the braids above, got help with their braiding technique, and got a lot of tips and ideas. Those, who could already do a french braid, learned at least 4, and intermediate braiders learned as much as 8 different techniques. Combining the techniques learned, you can get endless different braids and hairdos.

The next workshops will be on:

  • Sunday 8.2. at 13:00-15:00
  • Sunday .3. at 10:45-12:45
  • Sunday .3. at 13:00-15:00

The workshop costs 30€/ braider . The prise includes teaching, art and craft for the braidees, all materials and equipment, and coffee.

Reserve your place in our online store, or ask more by e-mail: lettikurssit@yahoo.com

Something different

Normally I can look at a braid and figure out how it’s been done. But sometimes I have no clue.

Suspended Infinity braid into a ponytailA few months ago I saw this braid, which looked different from the normal french and dutch braids, but no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t see how it had been done. Luckily HairAndNailsInspiration had done a YouTube tutorial (link here), so I could try it.

This was my first attempt, and it was quite difficult. I thought you definitely need more than two hands, so I did it on my oldest daughter, who was holding strands of hair when needed.

A few days ago I decided to try it on my middle daughter, who wouldn’t help by holding strands of hair for me… Surprisingly, it still worked out fine:

Suspended infinity braid into a bubble ponytail

PS. Sorry for not posting for a while. We are in the middle of organising our house move. Will be moving out of our apartment next week, then traveling for two months and finally relocating to Finland in the summer. So please bear with me for the next few months, I will try to do some posts while we are travelling, but not sure about the wifi connections in all the places we are going.

I’ll try to do quick Instagram posts when I can. You can get to my Instagram by clicking on the pictures on the right panel.

Two hairdos from one

Haven’t posted for a while. We’ve had a lot of visitors and been away skiing…

My sister has been here, so I’ve had a chance to try out braids on her. Her hair is very different texture from my girls’, so it’s good practice for me.

Today I did a waterfall braid on her. Normally I hate waterfalls as I usually only have child models, and waterfalls just fall apart in minutes, so it was good to try it on an adult and see that it actually works.

Waterfall braid

The braid turned out quite OK, but then we thought it would be nice to make it into an updo, and that turned out even nicer. I just love her hair colour, and this braid really shows it off.

A waterfall braid into a ladder braid updo

Valentine’s day braids

I thought I’d show you some of my heart braids for Valentine’s day. These are impressive to the normal people, we always get lots of comments when we do something like this… but in the braiding world they are just average!

First, a couple that I did a year and a half ago, when I was first starting to get into creative braiding – a dutch lace braid heart, and some Cutegirlshairstyles heart-pigtails.

dutch lacebraid heart heart pigtails 

In the last couple of weeks I have made some new heart designs: a french braid with 3 hearts on it on my oldest daughter, a double heart braid on my 5-year-old, and a ribbon heart braid on my smallest one.

Mini heart braids on a french braid Heart braid french braid ponytail

Heart braid, dutch lace braid with ribbon, valentine's hairstyleThe girls absolutely love these heart braids. My favorite is probably the double heart, as it stayed in shape, and held all the hair in place the longest.

I need to come up with one more tomorrow, as my middle daughter has a Valentine’s day party to go to!


More frozen hairstyles

A few days after the Elsa hairdos on my oldest daughter, the little sisters wanted braids from Disney’s Frozen as well. So here are the two hairstyles of Anna and also a young Elsa:

Disney's Frozen: 2 hairstyles of Anna The Anna hairdos were difficult as my middle daughter has very thin, fine and slippery hair, lots of baby hair, and the colour is completely different from Anna’s hair. But she was very happy with the hairdos herself, which is the main thing.

I found quite a few tutorials on You Tube for the one on the right, but did it a little bit differently myself. I thought the braided headband needed to be as thick as possible, so I did partly a 3-strand braid, but on the top of her forehead I did some stitches of dutch lace braid to add hair to the braid and make it long enough.

Here is a link to a tutorial done by Hair 4 My Princess: Anna’s Coronation bun

Braid inspired by young Elsa's hair in Disney's frozen My youngest daughter got a braid inspired by the young Elsa in the film.

For this one, I put a sparkly elastic headband on her, leaving some hair in front, then made a loose french braid partly over the headband.

After we took the picture, she wanted to take the headband off, so we had to undo the braid to get it out!

And for those, who aren’t familiar with these Disney Princesses, here are pictures of Anna and young Elsa:

Disney Frozen: Anna hairDisney's Frozen: Young Elsa



French braid bun

How to do a french braid bun: step-by-step pictures

I finally got around doing a step-by-step picture tutorial on the french braid bun, which I promised about a month ago. I’ve been so busy with all the Christmas stuff and skiing, that I haven’t done much blogging lately!

Anyway, here it is.

First, make a ponytail in the middle of the head using a thick hairband.

Next, make another ponytail with all the rest of the hair around the original ponytail.

Then start french braiding taking hair from the little ponytail and from the outer ponytail.

Make a loose french braid all the way around, using all the hair, and finish with a normal three strand braid.

Finally, tug the braid inside the loose french braid, wrap the rest of it around and use bobby pins to make the bun tighter and tidier.

I did this pictorial on my 5-year-old. She has quite thin hair, so using a bun-maker instead of a thick hairband would have been a good idea.

I’ve done the same hairdo on my older daughter quite  few times, and it looks quite different because of her thick hair.

She has had her hair on a french braid bun for ballet quite a few times, and it really holds well, and looks pretty:

Frenchbraid bun


Christmas parties

Been busy with all the December happenings… Here are a few hairstyles we’ve done for various Christmas parties.

First, there was a party where we were going to by car, and it was indoors, so we could do almost anything with the hair.

When I said I’d do any hairstyle they wanted, my middle daughter instantly requested the butterfly braid. For my oldest girl, I did a ladder braid, and my smallest had a braided headband with some curls from the previous braid.

Butterfly lacebraid bun ladder braid, no heat curls, butterfly bun

The next party was a bit trickier. The girls were going to do a little song and dance performance with santa hats on. So the hairdo had to look nice even with a hat on… So these chinese ladder braids were quite good for that: they looked nice even when most of the head was under the hat, and were a bit more interesting than normal braids:

two chinese ladder braids

This morning was the last of the Christmas events: the Christmas Carols at the school. It was outside, and the girls were going to school first, so potential for messing up any hairdo before the event. It was also cold and wet, so hats on, and no curls… And an early morning, so no time for hair in the morning!

For my 1st grader, I just did some tight french braids last night. For the 4th grader, I found a nice hairdo from @abellasbraids on Instagram: two dutch braid headbands into pigtails and then making mini twists with the hair in the pigtails. This was easy, but a bit time consuming to make, and lasted really well.

The first picture below was taken last night, and the second one this morning after she slept with the braids.

two dutch braid headbands into pigtails and mini twists two dutch braid headbands into pigtails and mini twists


Started our skiing season on Sunday. Hair under the skiing helmet and balaclava is always a bit tricky: there can’t be any hair escaping from under the balaclava around the face, and the braid can’t be too thick around the head or the helmet won’t fit.

For my youngest daughter, I did just two very tight french braids as her hair is so thin that braids won’t prevent putting on the helmet. (I didn’t take a picture of this one)

For my oldest daughter it’s a different story! I did a mermaid braid for her, which is like a french braid, but you only add hair from the very edge of the head leaving loose hair underneath the braid. This way, the braid doesn’t get too thick. When I got to the nape of her neck, I finished with a loose simple three strand braid.

Mermaid braid to fit under a ski helmet

For my middle daughter, I did two very fine lace braids around the face and then finished with a loose 3-strand braid.

Two lace braid headbands into a 3-strand braid


Here is a tutorial I did for this hairdo:

All three hairdos worked really well. The helmets fit over the braids, and there was no hair on the face. The braids didn’t get messed up when the girls took their hats off,  put them back on and off again…
We came home quite late and didn’t have time to wash the hair and do new braids before bedtime, but these ones lasted well for the next school day.