Avainsana: Cute hairstyle

Braid to last through an active day

Tämä viikonloppu on ollut melkoista tohinaa… Tänään keskimmäinen tyttäreni meni syntymäpäiväjuhlille peuhapaikkaan ja sen jälkeen olimme menossa luistelemaan. Lettien piti tietysti olla tarpeeksi juhlalliset synttäreille, mutta sellaiset, että kestävät touhuamisen ja lisäksi luistelua ajatellen kypäränkin piti mahtua päähän.

puoliranskalaisia lettejäTässä ratkaisu: puoliranskalaisia ja pikkuponinhäntiä. Kampaus on oikein juhlallinen, mutta samalla pitää kaikki hiukset pois kasvoilta ja synttäiherkuista. Tämä mahtui myös myöhemmin kypärän alle ja kaiken lisäksi säilyi muutamaa karannutta haituvaa lukuunottamatta hyvin koko päivän.

Kampaus on helpompi, kuin miltä näyttää, ja jos osaa tehdä puoliranskalaisen, niin tämäkin onnistuu, jos hetken miettii tuota kuvaa.

Tästä kampauksesta on näkynyt monta eri versiota Instagrammissa, mutta minun to-do-listalle se pääsi Brasilialaisen Carla Massarin IG-postauksen jälkeen. Käykääpä katsomassa hänen täydellisiä lettiluomuksia: @mimiamassari .


puoliranskalais kampausA busy weekend. Today’s braiding challenge was that my daughter was going to a birthday party in a soft play area after which we were planning to go ice-skating. So, she needed a braid that would be fancy enough for the birthday party, but hold well while playing and also to fit under a helmet for ice-skating.

Our solution was this lace braided half-up-braid. This hairdo is so pretty, but also holds all the hair out of the face and out of party food. It also fit under a helmet, and lasted through all of these activities with only a few fly aways!

This braid is easier than what it appears at first. If you can do a lace braid, you need to just look at this picture for a while and you’ll figure it out without a tutorial.

I’ve seen this braid done by many Instagram braiders, but my Brazilian friend Carla Massari did such a beautiful version a while ago that I had to put it on my to-do-list. Go and check Carla’s perfect styles: @mimiamassari .

For a good day

I made this twisted ponytail on my youngest daughter today. It looks lovely and is fairly easy to make. However, today was the wrong day for this hairstyle.

three twists into ponytail

Last night we arrived home from a camping trip at 3 in the morning after driving 9 hours. My daughter woke up when we carried her to her bed, and didn’t properly fall asleep for the rest of the night. So today she was on the worst mood ever, too tired for anything. So by the third temper tantrum this hairdo was completely gone: it was not meant for rolling on the floor screaming!

If you would like to try this on a better day, here is how to do it:

three twists into ponytail step-by-step

First, make a twist in the middle of the head by twisting two strands of hair around each other and adding a bit of hair into each twist. Once you’ve picked up hair all the way to the neck, tie with an elastic band or hair clip.

Next, do another twist on the right by twisting two strands of hair around each other, adding hair at each twist until you’ve added all the hair on the right side. Tie with a clip or hair band.

Finally twist the hair on the left side and tie all three twists together into a ponytail (and remove other hair clips and elastics).

Hope you have better luck with it than me!