Avainsana: easy hair style

Näin teet kuplaletin – ohjevideo

Tämän viikon ohjevideossa näytän, kuinka tehdään kuplaletti. Tai eihän se edes ole letti, vaan ponnarikampaus. Tämä on nopea, mutta näyttävä kampaus kouluun, urheiluun tai juhlaan, jota voi vähän muunnella sen mukaan, kuinka paljon aikaa haluaa käyttää kampauksen tekoon. Tein 4-vuotiaan tyttöni päähän monta kuplaa tiheään mohikaanityyliin:

boubble braid

Kuplia voi tehdä enemmän tai vähemmän. Kampauksesta voi myös tehdä astetta helpomman version laittamalla ensin kaikki hiukset poninhännälle, johon kuplat tehdään.

Videon kansikuvassa vasemmalla olevan version tein Halloweenin aikaan, keskimmäinen kesti tällä viikolla 4-vuotiaan touhuja kaksi päivää ja oikealla on viiden minuutin pikaversio kouluaamuna.

Kun kuplaletti onnistuu, saa kampaukseen vielä vaihtelua esimerkiksi letittämällä kupliin pikkulettejä, tai sen voi yhdistää muihin letteihin:

kuplaponnari miniletillä Suspended infinity braid into a bubble ponytail



In English:

This week’s Youtube tutorial is for the bubble braid. It’s a quick but impressive style that you can wear for school, sports or parties. You can change it a bit according to how much time you have. You can also do a super easy version by putting all hair into a ponytail and then doing bubbles with the ponytail.

The big picture above is a mohawk style I did with lots of small bubbles. It lasted two days on my 4-year old.

The video cover photo has a Halloween style on the left, the mohawk in the middle and a 5-minute school morning style on the right.

Here are also couple of variations: you can add micro braids into the bubbles or you can combine it with other braids.

kuplaponnari miniletillä Suspended infinity braid into a bubble ponytail

Easy DIY styles

ponytail, easy summer hair style. DIY hairstyleBraiding your own hair requires a bit of arm strength, and longer hair than mine is at the moment. But with some practise, you can do quite a lot more than just a ponytail in your own hair.

I know there are lots of braiders who can do absolutely anything in their own hair. But I’ll try to share some styles that I think are doable for the average braider…

So to start with, you can just spice up a normal ponytail. For example, you can hide the elastic by wrapping strand of hair around it, and pulling the end of the strand through the ponytail with a tool called ’topsy tail’. You can get topsy tails from hair accessory stores, but before I found one, I made one out of knitting needles!

bubble braidOnce you’ve mastered this style, you can try a bubble ponytail, either like the one here, which I’ve done on my youngest daughter, or you can just do a simple ponytail with bubbles. Each bubble is first secured with an elastic, and then the elastic is covered with a strand of hair. Perfect as a do-it-yourself hairstyle, as every time you attach an elastic, you can rest your arms a bit before the next step! See also my infinity braid into bubble ponytail here .

Another easy way to make your hairstyle more interesting is rosettes. You make them by taking a strand of hair, doing a normal 3 strand braid, rolling it up and attaching with a bobby pin or two.

And if you are a bit more experienced braider, you can ’pancake’ (i.e. pull each stitch a bit loose) one side of the 3-strand braid to make the rosette look more like a flower. Here are couple of examples:

Ponytail with a flower, roselace braid, rose braid, flower braid


All of these are nice summer styles and stay quite well, so now just get practising everyone!