Avainsana: Easy hairdo

waterfall twist, back to school hairstyles


Kauhistuttaa aikalailla tiistainen koulun alku: Miten voi olla mahdollista saada kaikki ulos talosta aamupalan syöneinä ja siistin näköisinä ennen kahdeksaa? Viime viikkoina ollaan aamupalapöydästä noustu 11 aikoihin ja lasten nukkumaanmenon kanssa olemme ihan Etelä-Eurooppalaisessa aikataulussa. Hiukset pitäisi tietysti olla kauniilla ja kestävällä letillä, mutta miten ihmeessä se voi olla mahdollista jos sekä lapset että vanhemmat ovat puoliunessa?

[Scroll down for English]

waterfall twist, back to school hairstyles

Olen varma, etten ole ainut, jolla kauhistuttaa, joten kaikille pitkähiuksisten vanhemmille kouluaamujen avuksi kokoan tähän viisi back-to-school suosikkiani ohjevideoineen. Tällä kertaa parhaimmuutta mittaan sillä, kuinka nopea ja helppo kampaus on tehdä ja kuinka hyvin se kestää.

1. Käärmeletti: Kestää todella hyvin, viime viikolla keskimmäinen tyttöni oli 4 päivää tällä letillä. Koulua varten teen tämän luultavasti jo edellisenä iltana yhdelle tytöistäni, jotta aamulla letitettäviä on vain kaksi. Tämä on myös nopea, koska aikaa ei kulu jakausten tekoon.

2. Köysiletti: Tämä kampaus on todella nopea ja köysi (tai twisti) letti on kivan erikoisen näköinen. Pitkissä hiuksissa köysiletti pysyy hyvin, lyhyempiin hiuksiin on hyvä keksiä jokin variaatio, koska ainakin videolla näkyvässä, sivulle tehtävässä mallissa niskahiukset lähtevät helposti repsottamaan.

3. Twistiputous:  Tämä on nopea, ja helpompi, kuin normaali putousletti. Ihan pienimmille jatkaisin kampausta esimerkiksi sitomalla hiukset lopuksi poninhännälle tai tekemällä normaalin kolmi-osioisen letin, näin kampaus pysyy koko päivän.

4. Lätytetty hollantilainen letti: Tämäkin on kestävä ja helppo mutta erottuu ihan normaalista letistä, jos sen tekee videon ohjeiden mukaan vinoon. Lätytys-tekniikalla saa letistä näyttävän ja paksun, mutta jos haluaa lisätä letin kestävyyttä, voi lätytyksen jättää tekemättä.

5. Epätasaiset saparot: Tämä tyyli vie voiton, jos mitataan kampauksen helppoutta. Letit näyttävät erikoisilta, mutta ainut vaikea osuus näissä saparoissa on jakauksen teko.

Näillä pitäisi päästä alkuun, teen tässä muutaman päivän sisään vielä toisen postauksen ja lisää ideoita kouluaamuihin.


In English:

I’m slightly nervous about the school mornings: we are completely in summer schedule, and I can’t see how we’re going to manage to get everyone ready and out of the house before 8am!

So I decided to compile five favourite quick and easy tutorials here to help everyone out on school mornings. These are all  quick and easy and they hold very well:

1. Snake braid: holds so well, that I will probably do this on one of the girls the night before, so that I only have two girls to braid in the morning.

2. Rope braid: very quick, and holds long hair very well. For shorter hair, you might want to think of a variation of this to make it last better.

3. Waterfall Twist: quick to do, and easier than a normal waterfall. For the smallest ones, you might want to put the rest of the hair on a ponytail to make it last better.

4. A Pancaked dutch braid: This one is easy, but looks different from an ordinary dutch braid if done diagonally. The pancaking makes it thicker looking, but skip the pancaking if you really want the braid to last.

5. Uneven Pigtails: These are the quickest and easiest of them all, but still look fun and different.

You can get started with these five, I’ll do another post towards the end of the week to give you all more back-to-school ideas!


Uusi YouTube video joka viikko

(scroll down for English)

Julkaisin juuri ensimmäisen suomenkielisen YouTube videoni! Jee! Käykää kurkistamassa, kommentoimassa, tykkäämässä ja tilaamassa Jenni’s Hairdays kanava. Kanavalta löytyy myös vanhat englanninkieliset lettivideot, mutta nyt lisään uusia videoita sekä suomeksi, että englanniksi uudella hienolla lookilla (kiitos kuvauksesta ja editoinnista Veli Creative!)

Aikeeni on julkaista joka viikko uusi lettiohje. Vaihtelen vähän tasoa: tällä viikolla helppo ja nopea käärmeletti, ensi viikolla jotain vähän haastavampaa.

Käärmeletti on nopea, koska se ei vaadi jakausten tekoa, eikä ole symmetrinen. Se myös sopii kaiken ikäisille: videolla esiintyy 4-vuotias tyttöni, mutta tein tänään myös saman kampauksen siskolleni.

siksak puoliranskalainen sigsag lace braid

I just published my first proper braid tutorial (and I only got my left and right mixed up once)! I have some older tutorials on my channel already, but the new one has a completely new look – shot and edited by Veli Creative. Go and have a look, like, comment, or subscribe to my channel.

I will be publishing a new tutorial every week, both in English and Finnish. I will include different levels: this week is a quick and easy snake braid, next week I’ll do a more advanced style.

The snake braid is quick because you don’t need to do partings and it’s not symmetric, so you can just go ahead and do it without too much fuzz. It suits all ages as well: the tutorial shows it on my 4-year-old daughter, but I also did the same braid on my sister today.

Quick and easy

I haven’t posted anything this week, as I have been busy with taking the kids to school and all the after-school activities… If anyone else has been as busy, here are some quick fixes for the school mornings:

easy and quick 2 little braids into one This one is super easy: just do two basic braids, then tie them together at the back. I used a very small hairband and then took a strand of hair from the ponytail, wrapped it around the hairband and attached with a see-through elastic.

This hairdo took me about two minutes to do. It looked nice for the whole day. The next day I tied all the loose hair and the little braid into a ponytail, which was also a nice hairdo, and a bit different from the day before.

half up do with two fishtail braidsA variation of the above hairstyle: do the same, but instead of basic 3-strand braids, do two little fishtail braids. This one takes slightly longer, as fishtail braids always do, but I was still able to make this in under 5 minutes.


At least the hair looked nice

A few minor back-to-school disasters yesterday: had one girl there at the wrong time (luckily too early), forgot their snack boxes (saved by husband who ran back home for them), forgot quite a few items from the list to bring to school, and in the evening, tried to cover the notebooks with plastic, and got it all wrinkled. And after all that, I had another accident with not reading the label on my hair wax and makeup remover containers, this time with waxy eyes! Clearly too tired after the first day!

But the main thing was: they both enjoyed school very much AND their hair looked nice 🙂 :

two dutch lace braids back to school hairfrench braids made with five strands, back-to-school-hair

The first one of these is very easy, and could even do it in the morning (but we did all the hair the night before). It’s two little dutch lace braids. That’s a lace braid, but  instead of moving hair strands form the side over to the middle, you move from the side UNDER to the middle. So like an inverted braid.

The second one is more tricky, and requires some practice. I’ve made two french braids, but with 5 strands instead of 3. I did this first time about a week ago and ended up with loose braids that fell apart, but after trying a few times, I’ve mastered the 5-strand french braiding. You might want to start with making simple braids with 5 strands first (here is a link to a tutorial on a simple 5 strand braid, which I found on YouTube).

Beach hair -3

This hairdo would look beautiful on anyone with long hair. And this is another easy one to do. I’ve done these three overlapping little braids on my two oldest girls several times and I love the way the different shades of their hair become visible in this hairdo. Here are a few different versions:

Beach hair, textured braids three overlapping braids

three half up braids overlappingYou can make this hairdo by following a few simple steps:

. Take some hair from the top of the head, divide into 3 strands (one thinner than the other two), and braid the three strands.

2. Take some hair from both sides of the first little braid, pull them to the right of the original braid, divide into 3, and braid.

3. Take some hair from both sides again, pull them to the left of the first braid, divide into 3 and braid.

If you want to keep it very simple, just braid even sized strands instead of one thinner than the other two.

three overlapping braids after couple of days

This hairstyle stays easily for a day or two. It gets a bit messy, but I think it looks like it’s supposed to. This photo is after a day of swimming and playing and two nights of sleep: