Avainsana: Frozen

flower braid updo

Niksejä joulun juhliin

Joulun alla minulta on pyydetty paljon kampausvinkkejä. Olen tehnyt videoita ja vaihe-vaiheelta kuvia. Tässä nyt yhdessä paikassa kaikki sellaiset, joita ei löydy omalta YouTube kanavaltani.

[scroll down for English]

flower braid updo

criss cross lacebraids

Erisanin nettisivuille tein joulujuhlakampausohjeita, joissa näytin vaiheittain, miten letit tehdään. Sieltä löytyy yllä näkyvät kaunis kukkakampaus sekä risteilevät puoliranskalaiset .

Tyyli.comissa kuvasimme kaksi juhliin sopivaa kampausta: kruunuletin ja ruusukekampauksen. Nämä voivat tuntua ensimmäisellä kerralla hieman haastavilta, mutta jo toisella kerralla onnistuvat varmasti hienosti.

hollantilainen kruunu letti, dutch crown braid  four strand braids and a rosette

Maikkarilla kuvasimme ensin Frozen-elokuvan Elsa ja Anna letit . Elsan lettihän on ihan tavallinen ranskalainen ja Annalla taas on kaksi normaalia palmikkoa. Elsan ranskalainen letti saa muhkeutta pienellä tupeerauksella ja löysällä otteella.

Frozen Elsa letti, lettiohje

Lisäksi Maikkarilla käydessäni kuvasimme helpon joulujuhlakampauksen . Tähän löytyy ohjeet myös Letille-kirjasta . (kuva: Laura Mendelin)

lettikurssi, lettiohje



In English:

A few different media asked me for tips on hairstyles for Christmas parties. During the last month I’ve done videos and step-by-step pictures for a few Finnish websites. Although the websites are in Finnish, the tutorials are quite easy to understand.

Erisan-website has step-by-setp pictures plus links to my YouTube tutorials for a flower bun and criss-cross lace braid.

flower braid updo criss cross lacebraids

Tyyli.com has two videos: one for a crown braid and and another for 4-strand lace braids into a rosette.

hollantilainen kruunu letti, dutch crown braid four strand braids and a rosette

At MTV.fi we filmed Anna and Elsa braids and a quick 4-strand slide-up braid.






More frozen hairstyles

A few days after the Elsa hairdos on my oldest daughter, the little sisters wanted braids from Disney’s Frozen as well. So here are the two hairstyles of Anna and also a young Elsa:

Disney's Frozen: 2 hairstyles of Anna The Anna hairdos were difficult as my middle daughter has very thin, fine and slippery hair, lots of baby hair, and the colour is completely different from Anna’s hair. But she was very happy with the hairdos herself, which is the main thing.

I found quite a few tutorials on You Tube for the one on the right, but did it a little bit differently myself. I thought the braided headband needed to be as thick as possible, so I did partly a 3-strand braid, but on the top of her forehead I did some stitches of dutch lace braid to add hair to the braid and make it long enough.

Here is a link to a tutorial done by Hair 4 My Princess: Anna’s Coronation bun

Braid inspired by young Elsa's hair in Disney's frozen My youngest daughter got a braid inspired by the young Elsa in the film.

For this one, I put a sparkly elastic headband on her, leaving some hair in front, then made a loose french braid partly over the headband.

After we took the picture, she wanted to take the headband off, so we had to undo the braid to get it out!

And for those, who aren’t familiar with these Disney Princesses, here are pictures of Anna and young Elsa:

Disney Frozen: Anna hairDisney's Frozen: Young Elsa




Went to see the Disney film, Frozen, today. The girls loved it. I did as well, especially the hairstyles in the film. So, when we got home we tried to recreate some of the hairstyles.

My oldest daughter’s hair is just like Elsa’s in the film, so we tried the two Elsa-styles. I was going to do the Anna-styles on my 5-year old, but she was not in the mood for braiding… maybe another day.

Elsa's 2 hairdos from Disney's Frozen

First, we did the coronation hairdo on the right. I made it by twisting the hair at the front and twisting all the hair into a bun, and attaching with bobby pins. I thought it turned out quite well, but I don’t think it would last very long at all on a child.

Luckily my daughter wanted to try the other braid straight away, so we didn’t have to wait and see how durable the bun was. The second hairdo (on the left) involved a lot of back-combing for volume, and a loose french braid. She really loved the hairdo and wants to wear it for skiing tomorrow, I don’t think I need to post a picture of it after a day of wearing a ski-helmet, you can probably all imagine it!

And for those of you who are not up to scratch with your Disney films, here’s a picture of the two hairdos in the film:

Elsa in Disney's Frozen