Avainsana: Ponytail

back-to-school hair style, koulu letti

Lisää koululettejä

Muutama arkiaamua on nyt selvitty. Ensimmäisenä kouluaamuna kaikki heräsivät yllättävän helposti ja aikaa jäi jopa hollantilaisille kalanruotoleteille. Toisena aamuna sitten tehtiinkin jo nopeita kuplalettejä. Eilen illalla kuvasimme (marraskuussa ilmestyvää) lettikirjaani, joten kuvausten viimeisiin letteihin suihkaistiin vain hiuslakkaa ja tänä aamuna (ainakin osalla) letit olivat valmiit!

[Scroll down for English]

Kokosin tähän lisää ideoita, ohjekuvia ja videoita niin superhelpoista kuin vähän vaikeammistakin hiustyyleistä.

Hätäapu kouluaamuihin löytyy edellisestä postauksestani, siellä on viisi todella nopeaa, helppoa ja kestävää lettiä ohjevideoineen. Tässä sitten vähän lisää.

1. Värikkäät hiusrenksut: Pieniä saparoita voi taiteilla silikooni renksuilla ristiin rastiin. Niillä pysyy lyhytkin tukka kurissa. Tässä ohjeet yhteen versioon, tätä kokeiltuasi saat varmasti lisää ideoita siitä, kuinka pikkuponnarit voivat päälaella risteillä.

  • aloita jakamalla päälaelle suorakulmion tai soikion muotoinen osa hiuksia ja laittamalla ympärillä olevat hiukset ponnarille.
  • päästä ylempi ponnari auki ja tee kaksi pientä saparoa lähinnä otsaa oleviin hiuksiin
  • Laita saparot ristikkäin ja tee kaksi uutta saparoa niitten taakse, kiinnittäen ensimmäiset saparot mukaan toisiin.
  • Jatka pikkusaparoiden tekoa kuvan mukaan kunnes aukiolevat hiukset loppuvat.

hiusrenksut, ponnari, elastic hairstyle

  • Laita loput hiukset poninhännälle. Kampauksen voi lopettaa tähän ja se on jo tosi kivan näköinen, mutta jos haluat, voit vielä lisätä hiusrenksuja poninhäntäänkin, muodostaen kuplia.

Tästä kampauksesta voi jättää yläosan saparot kiinni useammaksi päiväksi ja tehdä erilaisia variaatioina lopuilla hiuksilla, jotka voi vaikka letittääkin.

2.  Kupla saparot: Jos innostuit yllä olevista kuplista, niin tässä vielä helpompi variaatio: hiukset vain saparoille ja renksuja saparoihin viiden sentin välein. Kuplat kannattaa muotoilla aina ennen, kuin laittaa seuraavan renksun paikalleen: ota reunimmaisista hiuksista kiinni ja vetele varovasti kuplia pulleammiksi.

back-to-school hair style, koulu letti

3. Kuplaletti: Mohikaanityyliseen kuplalettiin, joka sekin on helppo ja kestävä, minulta löytyy ohjevideo. Videolla näkyy, kuinka kuplat muotoillaan, ja kuinka letti onnistuu myös liikkuvalle pikkumallille!

4. Kahdeksikko lettiJos ponnareihin ja niska- ja sivuletteihin haluaa piristystä, kahdeksikko letti on helppo ja erilainen vaihtoehto.

5. Kupla-kahdeksikko-letti: Lopuksi vielä, jos ylläolevista kuplista ja kahdeksikoista innostuu, niin niitä (niinkuin kaikkia lettejä) voi yhdistellä. Tässä letissä käytin näkymättömiä silikoni lenkkejä jokaisen kahdeksikko-letin pätkän ylä ja alareunassa.

bubble braid infinity braid combo


In English:

We’ve managed a few school mornings now, and so far the girls have gone to school and kindergarden with their hair nicely done. If you want very easy tips for back-to-school hair, you can go to my previous post and find five very easy tutorial videos. Here I’ve compiled a few more tricks for school hair, some very easy and some a bit more advanced.

1. You can play with colourful elastics: Just make some little ponytails and cross them over, try it with more or less ponies, or in different parts of the head. In the last two pictures, I show two different ways of finishing the style.

hiusrenksut, ponnari, elastic hairstyle

2. Bubble pigtails: If you like the way that I finished the elastic hairstyle with bubbles, you can do a super easy variation: just put elastics about 5 centi meters apart in pigtails. It’s best to shape each bubble before you put the next elastic in.

back-to-school hair style, koulu letti

3. Bubble braid: In my bubble braid video, you can see how I shape the bubbles, how the braid is done on a moving toddler and how to make a mohawk variation of the braid.

4. Infinity braid: Another easy way to spice up your ponytail, is to make an infinity braid with it.

5. Bubble-infinity-combo: Finally, as with all braids, you can combine the bubble and infinity techniques. When making this braid, I used see through elastics both on top and on the bottom of each bit of infinity braid.

bubble braid infinity braid combo

bubble ponytail, kuplaponnari

Värikkäitä lettejä

Olen yrittänyt keksiä eri tapoja lisätä väriä hiuksiin ja letteihin. Lettinauhavarastoni on niin valtava, että joka asuun löytyy sopivan värinen nauha, kotoa löytyy myös hiusliidut ja spray-väriä. Viimeviikolla suunnittelin Skidit diskokävijöille lettiohjeita: yhdistelin Pinterestistä ja Instagramista löytämiäni ideoita,  kävin ostamassa vähän hiusmaskaraa ja silikoni renksuja ja päädyin kolmeen kivaan tapaan saada väriä letteihin:

[Scroll down for English]

bubble ponytail, kuplaponnari

Tämä letti ei kaipaa ohjeita, sitä pitää vaan katsoa ja pohtia, ja idea avautuu. Toteutukseen tarvitaan aikaa ja kärsivällisyyttä, sekä mallilta että letittäjältä, mutta lopputulos on mielestäni hauska ja näyttävä.

Nopeampi vaihtoehto ovat nämä epätasaiset saparot: värjäsin hiusmaskaralla pinkin ja vihreän raidan saparoihin ja sitten letitin saparot, pitäen värit erillään. Väri myös lähti helposti pois pesussa.

Uneven pigtails, looney braids, colourful ponytails, hair mascara.


Ja lopulta nauhaletti, johon sidoimme erivärisiä nauhoja hiuksiin ennen kalanruodolle letittämistä .

colourful fishtail with ribbon



I’ve been trying to think of ways to add colour to braids. I’ve got ribbons in all possible colours, and hair chalk and colour spray as well. Last week, I was asked to design a braid for Skidit Disco-event, so I searched Pinterest and Instagram for inspiration, bought some hair mascara and colourful elastics, and came up with these:

bubble ponytail, kuplaponnari Uneven pigtails, looney braids, colourful ponytails, hair mascara.

The first one is just colourful elastics, and you can figure out the style by just staring at the picture. It does require time and patience from both the braider and the braidee. The second is easier: uneven pigtails with strands coloured with hair mascara. And the third one: tied some ribbon in the hair before doing a fishtail braid.

colourful fishtail with ribbon









Easy DIY styles

ponytail, easy summer hair style. DIY hairstyleBraiding your own hair requires a bit of arm strength, and longer hair than mine is at the moment. But with some practise, you can do quite a lot more than just a ponytail in your own hair.

I know there are lots of braiders who can do absolutely anything in their own hair. But I’ll try to share some styles that I think are doable for the average braider…

So to start with, you can just spice up a normal ponytail. For example, you can hide the elastic by wrapping strand of hair around it, and pulling the end of the strand through the ponytail with a tool called ’topsy tail’. You can get topsy tails from hair accessory stores, but before I found one, I made one out of knitting needles!

bubble braidOnce you’ve mastered this style, you can try a bubble ponytail, either like the one here, which I’ve done on my youngest daughter, or you can just do a simple ponytail with bubbles. Each bubble is first secured with an elastic, and then the elastic is covered with a strand of hair. Perfect as a do-it-yourself hairstyle, as every time you attach an elastic, you can rest your arms a bit before the next step! See also my infinity braid into bubble ponytail here .

Another easy way to make your hairstyle more interesting is rosettes. You make them by taking a strand of hair, doing a normal 3 strand braid, rolling it up and attaching with a bobby pin or two.

And if you are a bit more experienced braider, you can ’pancake’ (i.e. pull each stitch a bit loose) one side of the 3-strand braid to make the rosette look more like a flower. Here are couple of examples:

Ponytail with a flower, roselace braid, rose braid, flower braid


All of these are nice summer styles and stay quite well, so now just get practising everyone!







Memories of the Carribbean

We are finally settling in our new home in Finland. I didn’t have a chance to blog while we were travelling, as I only had my mobile… My Instagram followers have seen more than enough of my ”travel braids” as I posted at least one braid from each country we went to. So now for those, who are not on Instagram: I’ll show you a few favourites from our Carribean trip.

First, we went to Jamaica. It was amazing. We all agree that out of all the countries we went to, Jamaica was our favourite. The people we super nice, food was good, atmosphere, music, weather, the sea… everything.

There were braiders everywhere! And so many amazing braids! When we first got out the plane, my 5-year old said ”mummy, everyone here has much nicer braids than what you make!”… So, I took it as a challenge, and this was the first morning in Jamaica:

Interlocking french braids, french braid feather braid combo

I got so many compliments for this and other braids throughout the 2 weeks in Jamaica, I even got job offers from the local braid-salons! Really felt that my work was appreciated in Jamaica 🙂

Next, we went on a Caribbean cruise visiting six of the Eastern Caribbean Islands. On each island we did a little trip to a beach, did some snorkeling or just relaxed and went swimming. The braids were always destroyed in the end of the day from all the seawater, so perfect excuse to do new braids every day. Here are some of my favourites (snake braid in St. Kitts, rope braid in Antigua and fishtail-french braid in St. Lucia):
Snake braid on a beach in St. Kitts rope lace braid into rope braid ponytail french feather braids into a fishtail braid

After the cruise we went to Mexico, where I’ve always wanted to visit. It was really interesting with all the history, Mayan ruins etc. and of course Mexican food, one of my favourite cuisines!

Again, we swam a lot, so needed to re-do the braids all the time. I was trying to decide which photo to put here, and then found this:
french braid

This braid was done by my husband. He was complaining he never gets any braiding practice anymore, as I always do the hair! So he came up with this braid, which I thought was beautiful!!

But that’s enough from our holiday (I might do another post with a bit more, but if I add it here it will be too long!)… I hope I’m better at blogging regularly now that we finally have a home again!



French braid bun

How to do a french braid bun: step-by-step pictures

I finally got around doing a step-by-step picture tutorial on the french braid bun, which I promised about a month ago. I’ve been so busy with all the Christmas stuff and skiing, that I haven’t done much blogging lately!

Anyway, here it is.

First, make a ponytail in the middle of the head using a thick hairband.

Next, make another ponytail with all the rest of the hair around the original ponytail.

Then start french braiding taking hair from the little ponytail and from the outer ponytail.

Make a loose french braid all the way around, using all the hair, and finish with a normal three strand braid.

Finally, tug the braid inside the loose french braid, wrap the rest of it around and use bobby pins to make the bun tighter and tidier.

I did this pictorial on my 5-year-old. She has quite thin hair, so using a bun-maker instead of a thick hairband would have been a good idea.

I’ve done the same hairdo on my older daughter quite  few times, and it looks quite different because of her thick hair.

She has had her hair on a french braid bun for ballet quite a few times, and it really holds well, and looks pretty:

Frenchbraid bun


Ballet hair

My oldest girl started ballet few months ago. We were a bit disappointed, when we got the welcoming letter in the summer, and there were instructions for hair… The older girls have to have a bun, but for the younger ones, just a simple ponytail! I know it is a relief to most of the mums that they don’t need to do buns on their little girls, and of course the ballet teacher wants the whole group looking the same, but I had been hoping I could do something more than just a ponytail.

So we started in September with just a ponytail, but soon sneaked in a little variation (which the ballet teacher loved):

lace braid headband into ponytail

One day, my daughter came home from ballet and said she is allowed to have a bun for ballet. At this point, I remembered I’m not very good at doing buns, it always ends up a mess with bobby pins sticking out everywhere. So I started practising and did this version of a lace braid bun:

lace braid bunHere is a CuteGirlsHairstyles tutorial for a lace braid bun. In my version, instead of using a bun-maker, I wrapped some of my daughter’s hair around the ponytail, but this trick only works if you’ve got super thick hair.

Today, I came up with a french braided bun:

french braid bun for ballet

This was fairly easy, held really well, and only required 3 bobby pins. I will do a picture tutorial for this one soon… My daughter absolutely loves having her hair up in a ballet hairdo, always puts a big smile on her face!


How to make a starburst braid

lacebraid headband into starburst bun lacebraid headband into starburst bun

Every time I make a ”starburst” braid, I get so many people asking how to do it. Even strangers on the street stop to ask whether the hair goes to the middle or comes from there… So I finally decided to do some step-by-step pictures.

how to do a starburst braid

I started with a lace braid headband to keep hair out of the face.

After I braided from left ear to the right (adding hair from the right only), I put a clip on the braid and made a little ponytail in the middle of the rest of the hair, leaving some loose hair all around.

You don’t have to do the first part of the braid (the lace braid headband), you could just start by making a ponytail in the middle of the head and leaving some loose hair all around the ponytail.

Next, unclip the braid and start french braiding it. Every time you add hair strands to the braid from the left, add it from the ponytail. And when you add hair from the right, add it from the loose hair around the ponytail.

Carry on french braiding around the ponytail, picking up loose hair to add to the right side of the braid and hair from the ponytail to add to the left.

Once you’ve braided all around, finish with a normal 3 strand braid. Then tuck the braid inside the french braid, and secure with couple of bobby pins.

So, it’s not as complicated as it looks. It’s a bit tricky to make the ponytail in the beginning, and you might need some practice to find out how thick the strands of hair should be,  when you add hair from the ponytail. The model here is my eldest daughter with incredibly thick hair, but I need to do quite a lot thinner strands on the other two girls. And the outcome looks quite different, but still nice.

When you master this, you can do the beautiful starburst double bun: french braid into two french braid buns

For a good day

I made this twisted ponytail on my youngest daughter today. It looks lovely and is fairly easy to make. However, today was the wrong day for this hairstyle.

three twists into ponytail

Last night we arrived home from a camping trip at 3 in the morning after driving 9 hours. My daughter woke up when we carried her to her bed, and didn’t properly fall asleep for the rest of the night. So today she was on the worst mood ever, too tired for anything. So by the third temper tantrum this hairdo was completely gone: it was not meant for rolling on the floor screaming!

If you would like to try this on a better day, here is how to do it:

three twists into ponytail step-by-step

First, make a twist in the middle of the head by twisting two strands of hair around each other and adding a bit of hair into each twist. Once you’ve picked up hair all the way to the neck, tie with an elastic band or hair clip.

Next, do another twist on the right by twisting two strands of hair around each other, adding hair at each twist until you’ve added all the hair on the right side. Tie with a clip or hair band.

Finally twist the hair on the left side and tie all three twists together into a ponytail (and remove other hair clips and elastics).

Hope you have better luck with it than me!

Beach hair -2

six flip half pony tail

This ”six flip half ponytail” is very easy to make, easy enough for dads to do! And it works well as a beach hairdo, although I had to tie it into a ponytail when my daughter was jumping into the pool, climbing out and jumping in again.

It’s very simple to make, but complicated to explain, so I took some step-by-step pictures:

six flip half ponytail tutorial

First, take some hair from the front and tie it in a ”half-up-ponytail”. Then tie another hair band 4 or 5 cm down.

Next, make a hole between the two hair bands and pull the rest of the ponytail through it.

Then tie another hair band 4 or 5 cm down, make a hole between the two last hair bands, pull the rest of the ponytail through, and repeat until you have only little bit of hair left.

six flip ponytail after swimming

The hairdo lasts well: here is an ”after photo”, taken after a lot of swimming (and two nights’ sleep). The only downside was taking out the rubber bands after having sand and sun-lotion in the hair.

French braid ponytails

I don’t like simple ponytails, not just because they are boring, but because they come off easily, or strands of hair escape, they become loose and they end up looking messy and dull. So I’ve created a lot of different variations that either make a ponytail a bit more interesting or hold the hair better. One version that I quite like is this ”french braid ponytail”.

3 french braid ponytail

For the smallest ones with lots of fine baby hair,  both pony tails and normal (one or two) french braids are difficult, as there isn’t enough hair to hold the hairdo together. So I like to do this ”3 french braids into a ponytail”:  just do a little french braid in the middle of the head, leaving roughly one-third of loose hair on both sides. There is no need to divide it evenly, just do it quickly before the girl looses patience. Then french braid the two sides, and tie everything into a ponytail.

2 french braid ponytail

For my oldest daughter, I’ve done this ”2 french braid ponytail” a few times. It lasts long, holds the fine hair at the front and at the back of the neck well, and looks nice. But this is a bit trickier to make, as she can’t watch tv when I make the back part of the braid.

So, to make this one, I’ve divided the hair into two parts: front/up- and back/down-part. Next, I’ve made a french braid from the back of her neck up to the middle of her head, and then another one from the front of her head down to the middle. And finally tied the two into a ponytail.

To get the back part done, she had to lie down on her stomach and look at a book while I braided. After that, the front part is easy, but as you can see from the picture, my latest trick to get them to sit still is to get them to look at hairdos on Pinterest!