Lisää lettiohjeita

Tein lettihaasteen 23. päivää varten tällaisen:

flower braid and a pull-through braid

Sitten muutamalle tulevalle päivälle tutoriaaleja:

24.6. Nuttura

Nutturoitahan voi vääntää ties minkälaisia. Omien YouTube videoideni suosikki on twisti-kalanruoto-nuttura.

25.6. Sulkaletti

Sulkalettejä on kiva ydistää kailenlaisiin kampauksiin. Jos haluat oppia perus sulkalettitekniikan, niin video löytyy täältä: Sulkaletti.

26.6. Solmuletti

Solmuista suosikkini on kelttiläinen solmu.

27.6. Slide-up-letti

Slide-up letti löytyy Letille-kirjasta. YouTube-kanavaltani löytyy kaksinkertainen eli 8-osainen vetoletti.


Here is a braid-combo for day 23 of the braiding challenge:

flower braid and a pull-through braid

And then some tutorials for the coming days:

June 24th – Bun

There are so many different buns and braided buns that the possibilities are endless. My favourite from my own YouTube videos is the twist-fishtail-bun.

June 25th – Feather braid

Feathered braids are excellent for making braid combinations. If you want to learn the basic technique, here is a video: Feathered braid.

June 26th – Knots

My favourite knot is the celtic knot, which can be added to all kinds of hair dos.

June 27th – Slide up

A simple slide up braid is nice and easy, but if you want something a bit different, try my 8-strand slide up… It’s easier than what it sounds.