Waterfall braid

Waterfall braid

I love this waterfall braid, and I was so proud of myself when I figured out how to make one. But after I made this, my daughter decided it looked better with a Hello Kitty hair clip. Then she changed her mind and pulled the hair clip out, pulling some of the hair out of the braid, which made the braid really loose. While I was braiding her sister’s hair, she crawled under a blanket… before long the whole hair was a big mess!

So I’m afraid this is another one of those beautiful looking hairstyles that are a waste of time for a 3- or 4-year-old. The difference to the bow braid (another beautiful braid that works better on mum than the daughter) is, that this one is easy to make. There is a link to a tutorial here: waterfall braid tutorial … So go ahead and try it on older girls and adults!

And all my readers in Finland: wait until the summer to try this, as it will not stay if you’re wearing a hat!


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